EXO-NET bead volumes may be adjusted according to biofluid or application. However, the following protocol may be applied for most generic applications enabling EVs isolation from body fluids within 15 minutes for downstream analysis of EV biomarkers (proteins, RNAs, lipids).
This workflow can be adapted for high throughput screening of EVs and exosome-based biomarker discovery for diagnostics and therapeutic targets.
Despite the explosion in exosome research and their potential in disease (especially cancer) diagnostics, exosome-associated biomarkers have not yet been translated to meet the rapid developments in molecular medicine for commercial liquid biopsy applications. This is primarily due to the limitations of current exosome capture and isolation methods, which are time consuming, operator dependent and not scalable. These limitations are overcome by using INOVIQ’s EXO-NET® technology.
1EXO-NET comparison to traditional exosome isolation methods
EXO-NET® allows for improved purity and yield, fast and efficient capture and isolation of extracellular vesicles from any liquid biopsy sample. The technology is highly scalable and is compatible with existing automated testing systems making it ideal for high volume research and commercial laboratory applications used in the analysis of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.