INOVIQ Annual Report 2024

Financial Report TOP 20 LISTED OPTION-HOLDERS AS OF 2 SEPTEMBER 2024 Rank Name Units % Units 1 FRESH START AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 2,000,000 21.32 2 CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED 1,011,058 10.78 3 THE TRUST COMPANY (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED <MBF A/C> 480,000 5.12 4 MR NEIL DONAL DELROY <THE NDD INVESTMENT A/C> 375,000 4.00 5 NEWECONOMY COM AU NOMINEES PTY LIMITED <900 ACCOUNT> 350,469 3.74 6 CARRIBEAN INVESTMENTS PTY LTD <JAMIESON FAMILY A/C> 240,000 2.56 7 DELROY INVESTMENT PTY LTD <DELROY SUPER FUND A/C> 145,000 1.55 8 J P MORGAN NOMINEES AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 132,843 1.42 9 RIVISTA PTY LTD 130,000 1.39 10 TROVEX PTY LTD 130,000 1.39 11 HINCH INVESTMENTS PTY LTD <L M HINCH SUPER FUND A/C> 100,000 1.07 12 JONDOL PTY LTD <JONDOL ESTATES S/F A/C> 100,000 1.07 13 S3 CONSORTIUMHOLDINGS PTY LTD <NEXT INVESTORS DOT COM A/C> 100,000 1.07 14 OXLEY PROPERTY NOMINEES PTY LTD <OXLEY FAMILY A/C> 95,000 1.01 15 MOGGS CREEK PTY LTD <MOGGS CREEK SUPER A/C> 90,000 0.96 16 AMN AMRO CLEARING SYDNEY NOMINEES PTY LTD <CUSTODIAN A/C> 84,000 0.90 17 PERSEVER PTY LTD 75,000 0.80 18 TOWNEND INVESTMENTS PTY LTD <GREATER VISION SUPER A/C> 75,000 0.80 19 MR SHANE GEOFFREY WHITE 75,000 0.80 20 WHITEHORSE GROUP NOMINEES PTY LTD <S WHITE SUPER FUND A/C> 75,000 0.80 Top 20 holders of LISTED OPTIONS (Total) 5,863,370 62.52 The portion of listed options held by the 20 largest shareholders in the Company is 62.52%. UNLISTED OPTIONS At 2 September 2024 unlisted options were held by 11 different holders. VOTING RIGHTS In accordance with the Company’s Constitution, voting rights of ordinary shares are on a show of hands whereby each member present in person (or representing a corporation who is a member) shall have one vote and upon a poll, each share will have one vote. Holders of listed options and options issued under the IOP do not have voting rights attached. RESTRICTED SECURITIES As at the date of this report there are no restricted securities on issue. SUBSTANTIAL ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 2 SEPTEMBER 2024 The substantial shareholder pursuant to the provisions of the Corporations Act and listed in the Company’s register is as follows: Rank Name Units % Units 1 MERCHANT FUNDS MANAGEMENT PTY LTD 13,082,057 14.22 71 Annual Report 2024